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Refund payment

To refund payment:

1) On admin page, tap Transaction. On transaction page, it shows all the transaction made through POS system. Search transaction that you want to do the refund by transaction number.

2) After search transaction, tap transaction number to go to transaction detail page.

3) On transaction detail page, it shows all the details such as item list and payment methods. Tap Refund to process refund.

4) On refund modal, type in the amount that you want to refund for each payment method. Cash payment only can be refunded by cash and card payment only can be refunded by card. Customer points cannot be refunded. Tap OK button to continue.

5) If you use integrated EFTPOS payment, tap Tyro, otherwise tap manual to continue the process.

6) If the process is successful, it will show refund invoice. Tap print button to print invoice for customer or send it through SMS.

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