Category Modification
Manage Category
Category is made to group items from similar or same family. This can be utilised to place items into a category (In POS system & retail manger) helping users to find the item inside its category rather than having a whole bunch of list racing down the page.
In Bistro Manager, category can be found as illustrated below:
Adding Category
Please follow the instruction below to add category(s).
1. Go to Menu then Category & Orders see the illustration on top of the page.
2. Press + button to add new category! Then fill the field with desired Category Name.
3. Fill in Second Language (Optional).
4. Choose Available Day for category.
5. Choose File to Add Category Image (Optional).
6. Press +Add Category button to save and add new category.
Modifying or Deleting Category
To modify category name or delete category follow the instruction below.
1. Go to Menu and press Category & Orders, see top of the page.
2. Press Modify
3. Modify the Category Name, Second Language, Choose Available Day, Choose file to add image. Then press Save Changes or Delete Category to save or delete category.