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Manage Set Menu

Manage Set Menu

To manage(adding,  deleting or modifying) your set menu, you'll need to go to the following page in Bistro Manager.

Please follow the instruction below to load inventory page.

Adding Set Menu

Follow the instruction below to add item(s) to the list:

1. Your Set Menu page will look similar to the illustration shown below.

2. To add Set Menu to your list you'll simply tap or click +Add New button which can be found on the bottom right hand side corner.

3.  Fill in the Set Menu Name, choose Group Quantity which is number of item group will be included in Set Menu (maximum 4 groups). Then press Start.

4. You'll find more fields to fill in. Complete all the section then press Next button.

5. Choose the Category where this set will belong to. Choose file to add image for Set. Choose default menu for each group and fill the price for each menu. If all the menu are in same price, just fill in the Fixed Price. At the end, press Finish button to save and finish.

6. Now, new set menu is added to list.

Modifying or Deleting Set Menu

Follow the instruction below to modify or delete set menu to the list:

1. Your Set Menu page will look similar to the illustration shown below.

2. Press setting  button to modify Set Menu.

3. Modify the field that you require to change. Press Next button to continue or Press Delete Set Menu to delete current set menu.

4. Modify the field that you required to change. Press Finish button to save the change.

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