Account Book III
Recording & Searching Transaction History
Follow the instruction below to record transactions.
1. Choose and view appropriate account.
2. Now that you've selected an account, select date of your transaction.
3. Select whether you're recording deposit(+) or withdrawal(-). Then tap the "Amount" field provided on the right and type in correct amount.
4. Add in Description to help you find record easily while searching. Then tap "Record".
5. You'll found the newly added transaction at the bottom of the page.
To modify, please visit:
To find about lock-mode, please visit:
Once the transaction history is overloaded sometimes it's near impossible to find a specific transaction history. But don't worry, follow the instruction below to find specific transaction!
1. Select correct account to use search bar, follow the instructions above if you do not know how to do so. Select the approximate range of date for the transaction or type in the keyword or do both in one go!
Then tap Filter.
2. Searched Transaction will appear on the bottom.