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Order with Dine In Table

Order with Dine In Table

To order with Dine In table, you'll need to launch the POS first in Bistro Manager.

Follow the instruction below to launch Bistro Manager POS system.

Order to Table

  1. 1. To place order on Dine In table, you need to select and add menu to order list. To find more about add menu to order list, please visit:
  2. 2. After add all the menu to order list, press OK button.

  1. 2. Choose Dine In option then press Done.

3. Select the table that you want to place order with. At the bottom will show which table has been selected. Then press Done to continue.

4. You can press Pay Now to continue with the payment, press Print button to print order sheet and place order or press Close button to just place order and close the modal.

Add more menu to table

1.  To add more menu to the table press Table button on POS page.

2. Select the table that you want to add more menu to.

3. Once you select the table, it will load all the menu order that you made for that table.

4. Select the menu that you want to add into.

5. Once you select the menu, the menu will be send to kitchen and New Item icon will be added to bottom of order list.

6. Press New Item icon to print order sheet for new item.

7. Press Print button to print new order sheet.


8. Once you finish add more menu to table, Press NEW button to start new transaction.

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