Order by Mobile Device
Order By Mobile Device
Bistro Manager provides system that can be used by mobile devices. Staff can use a mobile phone or a small tablet to take order from customer. To start with follow the instruction below:
1. Visit https://bis.dbdb.com.au/login.php , press Serve tab, choose Mobile or Tablet and fill in the User Name and Login Pass Code.
2. Once you successfully login, you will see the page look similar to the illustration shown below.
Take and Place Order
1. Press Transaction button to start take order.
2. Choose the table that you want to take order from. Press Takeaway button for takeaway order.
3. Press any Category where customer order belong to.
4. Press the Menu that customer want to place order. You can press Back button to return back to Category List.
5. Once you press the menu, the menu will directly add to Order List. New added menu quantity will be shown on top of Order Now Button.
6. After finish taking all the order from customer, Press Order Now button. It will show all the menu that you take from customer. Confirm the order with customer then press Order Confirm button to place order.
7. Now order is successfully made.