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Setting Timezone, Date format, Tax Rate On Invoice

First you'll need to go to settings, please follow the instruction below to go to retail setting.

Press Settings then press Retail and it will direct you to Retail page.


1. Press the box highlighted below and select correct timezone.

NOTE: Time on the invoice will be printed according to the timezone you have selected.

2. Press Save Changes Button when you are satisfied with the setting.

Date Format

1. Press the box highlighted below and select desired date format.

For example: DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY etc.

2. Once you are satisfied, press Save Change button.

Tax Rate

Tax rate entered in the field will be calculated automatically through the system and print it on your invoice.

1. Enter Tax Rate figure in the field highlighted below.

2. Once you are satisfied press Save Change button.

Example On Invoice

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