Business Details & Uploading Logo
To find about changing the bottom third of the invoice which contains timezone, date format and tax rate please visit:
Uploading Business Details
When you set up your business details it will be printed on your Invoice & few details will be displayed on your 2nd monitor display. Also you can complete the field and keep it for your preferences later on.
Please follow the instruction below to set up your business Details.
1. Go to Settings then press Retail. The page will direct you to the Retail Section of the settings.
2. In the given fields, enter Business Name, ABN/ACN Number, Phone Number.
If you're done always press Save Change button ->
3. Update or complete your Business Address. Enter your address in the field highlighted below and it will automatically search your address and give you a list, press correct/matching business address. If you're done press Save Change button.
4. If you have a shop number, Enter your shop number in the field provided. Press Save Change when you are done.
Uploading Business Logo
Your Business Logo will be displayed on your invoice and your 2nd monitor. Before you upload your logo please see the conditions and recommendations below.
- Uploading Business Logo is optional
- Picture size MUST be 500 x 500 and MUST be a PNG file
- Transparent Background is highly recommended
Once all conditions and recommendations are satisfied follow the instruction below to upload your Business Logo.
1. Press Choose File.
2. Select logo file in PNG then press ENTER on keyboard or press Open.
3. Then you'll find the file has been selected and finally press Save Change button.
4. Once you press Save Change button it the page will display a preview of your logo. See below.
Invoice Example
NOTE: This example is a default layout of the invoice, you can make different layouts and styles in settings. But for now example is given to give users rough idea where the saved information is located.