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Features In Dashboard

Features In Dashboard

There are very useful features embedded onto the dashboard in Retail Manager. Please read below to find more about dashboard features.

Daily Total Sales (Graph & Figure)

Daily total sales is displayed in both the graph and figure which allows you to overview the total amount of sales made during that day.

Number Of Transaction (Graph &Figure)

This feature counts the transaction of the day then display it on dashboard on both the graph and figure.

Weekly Total Sales (Only Figure)

Number Of Membership

The number of membership is counted whenever a customer registers to be a member. 

Payment Method Card:Cash:Point Pie Graph

This is a simple pie graph to have visual view of each payment method volume.


When you login to Retail Manager you'll be able to check rosters on dashboard but disallowed to make any amendments. To change the roster please visit:

Top 10 Sales By Item (1 Week)

This displays top 10 sales items from top to bottom in descending order. 

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