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Order List Adding Item

About Order List

Retail manager provides order list to help users organise their stock orders. This functions can be managed by manually creating a list and deleting the items that''s been ordered.

Go to Item then press Order to view order list. See illustration below.

Creating Order List

There are two methods to create Order List which is via Inventory and Order. Please follow two instruction given below to create your order list.

Method 1 (Order Page)

1. Go to Item then go to Order. See the illustration on top of the page. 

2. On Order page, press +Add. 

3. It will provide you a form fill ONLY one of the following:

- Code: enter the item code this is for existing item in Inventory     

- Manual: enter the name of the item, this can be either existing or non-existing item.

4. After you fill in one of the field press +Add Item.

5. You'll find Item added to Order List

Method 2 (Inventory)

You can add Items from Inventory as well. Please follow the instruction below to add item from Inventory.

1. To go to inventory go to Item and press Inventory.

2. Press Mark As Need To Order button for item that needs to be added to order list.

3. Press OK to confirm.

4. You'll find the item added to Order List.

To find about deleting item(s) off the list, please visit:

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