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Creating Sub ID

About Sub ID

You'll need to create Sub ID for your staff members to log into POS system and you'll also need them when making a roster because Sub ID generates name tag.

Creating Sub ID

Follow the instruction below to create Sub ID.

1. In Retail Manager press Settings followed by Management. Then on the top navigation bar press Sub ID.

2. Press +Add button and you'll find a form on the right side. 

3. Enter User ID (Maximum 8 digits)

4. Select whether or not you'll have status as Enable or Disable.

Enabling the Sub ID will work as it should be. Disabling Sub ID will act as if the ID is non-existing on the system.

5. Create Password with minimum 8 digit.

6. Select the colour of the Sub ID, this colour selection will help you distinguish the name tag easier when there are more than 3 staff members. 

7. Enter Name and Mobile Number of staff member.

8. Select system allowance for the staff member. NOTE: To find out how each function works, see the descriptions next to the tick box!

9. Finally press + Add Member.

10. Now you'll find that the Sub ID is added. See below.

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