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Membership Grade & Save Rate

About Membership Grade & Save Rate

When a customer registers to become a member of the shop they'll be given a grade with save rate specified. For example there could be bronze grade with 5% point save rate on total amount spent, silver grade with 10% point save rate on total amount spent and gold grade with 15% point save rate on total amount spent so on and so forth. 

See below illustration to go to  Membership Settings page.

To find more about managing membership grade and save rate please continue to read this guide.

Arranging Membership Grade In Different Order

To Arrange Membership Grade in Different Order, please follow the instruction below. 

1. Press Membership then press List and Lastly press Activity. See above illustration.

2. Hold And Drag the item then drop it on to desired place. 

3. Now you'll find the order has been changed.

4. Lastly press Save Order.

5. Press OK to confirm.

Creating Membership Grade

To Create membership grade follow the instruction below. 

1. Press Membership then press List and Lastly press Activity. See above illustration.

2. It will display the following page and you'll find a form on the right side. You are allowed to enter the name of the grade, save rate(%) and set it as default save rate for starting member's.

3. Complete the form, see for more description below.

4. Press OK to confirm.

5. Now you'll find the Membership Grade Added to the list.

Modifying or Deleting Membership Grade

Follow the instruction below to modify or delete membership grade.

1. Press Membership then press List and Lastly press Activity. See above illustration.

2. Find the Modify button highlighted below.

3. You'll be given a form to modify or delete on the right.

To Modify

a) To Modify: Change desired field and press Save Changes button.

b) Then Press OK to confirm.

To Delete

a) To Delete: Press Delete Grade Button.

b) Press OK to confirm.

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