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Modifying Payment Method for Sales Transaction

Modifying Payment Method For Sales Transaction

Just like in Repairs you can change/modify payment method that has been already saved to the system. If you want to find more about modifying payment method for repair please visit the link provided below, otherwise continue to the instruction below the link.

Modifying Payment Method For Repair:

1. First you'll need to go sales list. Press Sales then press Sales List

2. Select desired transaction to modify payment method.

NOTE: If you want to search for a transaction for your convenience press the field provided on the left hand side corner of the list then either scan code provided on the invoice or manually fill in with the transaction number.

3. Then press the modify(green)  button highlighted.

4. To change, press and select one of the options shown on the left hand side. Or manually type in the amount in the field provided on the right hand side.

5. Finally, press modify.

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